
Is Facebook down? ❌


Facebook is a social media platform and technology company founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates in 2004. Facebook's mission is to connect people and help them share and communicate with friends, family, and other individuals, as well as discover and engage with content from around the world

No problems at Facebook


Facebook Problem? Anyone? #facebook #facebookdown


Do these fake threatening Facebook messages work on anyone? "Your account is scheduled to be closed if you don't fix blah blah blah. Click link to get malware and give us your password."


LOL, Aunty and her FB problems...


New to Facebook Ads? Here's the best Ad formats to boost your sales 1) Us vs Them 2) Before & After 3) Problem -> Agitation -> Solution UGC 4) Founder Story 5) Static image with core benefits


Facebook Ads tip: Never create ads based upon what you product is made of. Always create ads based on problems your product solves. Outcome clarity is critical.


hi @facebookapp I suspect that my Facebook account has been compromised and I urgently need assistance to resolve this issue. Thanks Facebook team.


Hi @facebook I suspect that my Facebook account has been compromised and I urgently need assistance to resolve this issue. Thanks facebook team.


Hi @Meta I suspect that my Facebook account has been compromised and I urgently need assistance to resolve this issue. Thanks facebook team.


Is Facebook down or what, have just been locked out...who is experiencing this.


#facebook down


How can we get rid of this error @facebook


My facebook slpws down whenever the Decathlon ad appears. 😂


Noticed a new feature on my Facebook page. When I post on Facebook, I simultaneously post on threads without opening the app. Zuckerberg noticed that people rarely opened the Threads app so he decided to make it easy for them to post on it. Don't complain. Fix the problem.


is facebook down?


@FabrizioRomano @Facebook please is there anyway you can help me with my Facebook account? it got hacked.


I gotta fix my Facebook, ASAP. 😭


Latest neighborhood Facebook issue with insane replies: A: Has anyone noticed white bits floating in their water? It's in our sink/fridge water. B: Do you have an LG fridge? What kind of insanity would involve a refrigerator sending things into a sink faucet?


‘24 Gavin Biernot (@WBHSBasebal ll #BaseCo) Scoreless outing through 4 IP. 83-85 early featuring mostly FB/CH. @PrepBaseballVA #BeSeen


Must be connected to the 911 outage this morning. Locally our water lost pressure for about an hour this morning and our neighbor page on Facebook had multiple people reporting the same. Wondering now if they were hacked too.


don’t be on **** but facebook everytime sum go down. show me! 😂


@facebook @meta my Facebook account got hacked and suspended. How do I get my account back. 😭 (teste, não fui hackeado)


Facebook found the best solution to the woke AI problem.


Bring facebook down


On Facebook today... self explanaTORY


After spending some time active on my social media accounts again - I decided I’m content with being offline for the most part. Deactivated my Facebook again. Everything else has stayed deactivated. Wondering when I’ll private this account again and not be active on here.


I hit a major glitch that I had to screen cap and send to Facebook, new frustration level unlocked, I went ahead and gave up for the day lol


Does anyone else have an issue on facebook where when you request to join a group it glitches and doesn’t ask you to answer the questions? I’ve had that happen so many times and it’s frustrating


My Facebook is locked and instead of uploading Adhar Card, Driving License and passport, my account is not getting unlocked. Tried innumerable time but no luck and getting mail as "couldn't verify your account" Please can someone help me for this issue. @facebook @FacebookGaming


Do you call leads you generate with Facebook ads? Make sure you’re calling that lead within 5 minutes or less. This might sound obvious, but how many are actually doing this? Facebook ads can be expensive, don’t waste your budget by not responding to leads in a timely manner.


i should just keep that facebook down