
Is Halo down? ❌


Halo is a video game franchise developed by Bungie and now managed and developed by 343 Industries, a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios. The franchise encompasses multiple first-person shooter games, novels, comics, and other media. It is known for its science fiction storyline, compelling characters, and intense multiplayer gameplay.

No problems at Halo


No, this is a silly take. Game being unfinished and mismanaged can be boiled down to Microsoft; The changes in art style, story, and general feel of the games are absolutely 343's fault. Halo 4 launched a complete game and it wasn't really Halo-y.


What was your first FPS game? Started with one of the Greatest. Played it at a friend's house. 4 player split screen in late 2006. Got a 360 and Halo 3 for Christmas the very next year.


**** is Halo down?


@evolved117 Give halo back to Bungie and let it be their PvP standalone game.


Skill issue, Halo 3 maps just suck


There's something ironic about a Clement cosplayer trying to fix Exealter's halo


OH! this a good one!!! So in halo 2 there was a sword dash glitch where you would fly across the map. I liked that. so my Xbox live name was Flyingswordsman. Then on an Ancient streaming site lost to time I had and evolving name, it started as Pocky man then Mocky pan then Mocky


HOLY **** I LITERALLY CRY 😭😭😭 he and I planned to call because we had to talk about a problem because it's difficult via chat, BUT MY NETWORK WAS REALLY BAD. asuuuu 😭😭 nangis aja guaaaa baru juga bilang halo udah connecting lagi, ah ****


Came out of my 10 hr shift just for halo servers to be down?


Halo Infinite servers are down. I guess not enough people are buying shop items for them πŸ˜‚


Those Halo Infinite servers really do be down...


Well I was going to stream Ranked Halo Infinite tonight, I guess not since the servers are down 😒


RIP Halo servers are down 😭


Halo servers are down @HCS @Halo


I understand the countries without psn being mad, and they should be waved from having to do this but like I have to have to xbox account to play Halo and other games on my PC. I don't see what the issue is for these people who have the ability to make a psn account.


🧡 Nice to be able to watch Fireteam Chat again @DestinLegarie @PaulTassi Something I would like to see in @Destiny2Team would be a PvP mode similar to Halo 5s Warzone mode. A PvPvE mode that plays like BTB, a huge match with random objectives like Slamming Sparks, Holding down


I guess this guy must really hate Sony, yet he had no issues with creating an Epic Games Store account to play over 100 hours of Fall Guys and an Xbox account to play over 70 hours of Halo on Steam... Most people complaining live in a country they CAN make a PSN account in


Bro 343 is a dogshit company if I start frying out my game freezes and eats **** but if I do absolute **** the game kicks me for anti cheat? @HaloSupport @Halo FIX YOUR **** ******* GAME


No I do not want the next Halo title to fail. But I also think, due to Infinite's issues, some of its mechanical issues have been overshadowed or obfuscated. We are probably 2 games away so I'm welcoming this next game to be what they want... to learn what we need to learn.


I can't wait for the next halo game to not have the most awful UI possible.... hopefully they just keep it simple and make it work and load quickly. Go back to reach / 3 UI methodology


343 could literally print money on Halo MCC if they utilized it correctly.


Be like Nintendo and distance myself from the community on the development process. Make the halo game I want to make and ***** anyone that has a problem with it. If it works for Mario and Zelda, it will work for Halo.


Anything I say could get me like this with people and that’s a problem. Anyway, Halo 3: ODST was the best Halo game.


Poll! πŸ“Š Best Halo Game? 🎯


Does anyone know how to fix this? #HALO #HaloMCC @HaloSupport @Halo


Does anyone else not want a new Halo until they fix Halo Infinite? I don't want 343 to think they can keep charging us for new games and never deliver on their promises.


First 4 games of the night consist of two 3v3’s and two texture glitch maps. What exactly is happening to Halo lol.


One GameStop in Spokane still has the combo Halo 3/Super Mario Galaxy windows


Funny how this wasnt an issue or questionable when Starfield or Halo where "reportedly" comming to Playstation. Or when GTA was supposed to be PS exclusive. πŸ˜‰


this reminds me of those guys that stayed on one of the halo games when it shut down and i love that