
Is PlayStation Network down? ❌


The PlayStation Network (PSN) is an online gaming and digital media service provided by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) for PlayStation gaming consoles. It offers a range of features and services that enhance the gaming experience and allow users to connect, play games online, access digital content, and interact with other players

No problems at PlayStation Network


The issue with this is that you actually have to cost the company a lot of money in order for them to care, and this stuff is subsidized by hedge funds and investors. It was easy with PSN linking because no one was paying for it.


This whole #Helldivers2 drama is a lesson for @PlayStation and Sony Studios. Don't release a game that required PSN to play worldwide if you know the PSN is having an issue. Release it slowly on PSN available region while try to fix the other region issue #PlayStation


If you're on PSN, I'd be down to run a few games.


@Agent_Dutch Sony is pushing PSN for PC, as they believe they can use it as a platform to advertise products and services to their customers, thus making more money. Sony sure as **** noticed cutting a check to Valve on accounts of refunds, rather than the other way around for sales.


Mention of my name is banned from the Helldivers Discord. They are blaming me for their own PR mess. Hey, I wasn't the one that required PSN accounts. You can blame me all you want, but this one is on you.


People still don’t understand why it was an issue. Sold in countries that don’t even support psn. Worked for months without it. Sony has shown they still want you & are forcing you to make an account for games going forward with multiplayer. Example ghosts of Tsushima.


What even is this point? The problem with HD2 is they wanted to force PC players to make a psn account when it wasn’t needed. GoT is a single player game dude you don’t need a psn account to play it. If you wanna play online you need it but just to play no.


As long as it's established PRIOR TO RELEASE that it's required, and as long as the single player stuff is still available for people without PSN, no problem with this.


To be clear, this is the correct way to go about doing the thing they want to do, so no problem there. However, if I didn’t already have a PSN I wouldn’t want to make one. Sony is not a reliable company and I don’t blame anyone that cares about their data privacy passing on MP


Not enough. Now I want a refund on playstation because I don't want to play with pirates and hackers. We were promised a game to play without all that bs and we have hackers in the game. The psn linking was to help combat that but now no one's gonna use it on pc.


@PlayStation Steam page STILL says: "Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" Fix this.


Frickin idiotic and selfish. I doubt Sony would have backtracked the PSN link up if not for the added voice or those who were not affected by the issue.




to be clear the main issue isnt needing a PSN, its that some people have already purchased the game and played it in countries not supported by psn. so the update would take the game from them. if the game launched requiring a psn that’d be different


It’s cool to see Sony has backed down on the forced PSN account linking for Helldivers 2. It’s even cooler to see that they apologized and admit they are still learning how to navigate the PC gaming environment. @bstategames could learn a thing or two from them.


Maybe I'm missing something, but PC players being mad about having to get a PSN account to play a game sounds like the definition of "first world problems". Creating an account is easy. It's also free. You have to do it for like every app you use. It's a minor inconvenience.


It appears Helldivers has been saved... for now until Sony tries to sneak in their sh*t again. Also the game is still locked out to those who can't make a psn in their country. So... is the problem really fixed?


Nice as it is that Sony is rolling back PSN requirements, this is still the primary problem. Fix this, @Sony. Then you can have your positive reviews back.


Methinks Sony had zero clue that forcing PSN onto the game on PC would result in it being pulled from 90% all territories due to the service being unavailable. All to make sign-ups go up in last quarter. They probably didn't budge while everything else went *way* down.


@Pilestedt @helldivers2 @PlayStation And now how do I unlink PSN account so that I don't get banned?


Why is there an issue with making a playstation network account to play helldivers... legit takes 10 seconds???


And with all that.... PlayStation gonna fix that PSN issue on May 30th. Congrats! Now, back to your regular programming.


It's great to see that Sony backed down with the PSN requirement for Helldivers 2 on PC. Could we keep the good news coming by removing or replacing the horrendous anticheat next? Still keeps me, and quite a few others, from buying the game.


while this is a good thing, it’s astounding to me that PC players will have a Steam, Epic, Blizzard, and Microsoft account to play games and have no issue but a PSN account? gtfo


I suppose the thought of Sony killing off one of the games that people were describing as GOTY and getting refunds was more of an issue than PSN signups to the shareholders.


Sony cancels account linking to Helldivers 2 but keeps the limited countries on steam like what? Basically what this means they will eventually push the linking of PSN in the future they just going to let all of this heat die down.


I'll be the one to say it. If you left a bad review of Helldivers 2 on PC because of the whole PSN debacle, you REALLY need to go change that review now that Sony has backtracked on the PSN requirement. You got what you wanted, it's only fair to fix the review bombing.


This just means that no matter how bad the #GhostOfTsushima PC network issues get, they are never going to remove that PSN requirement.


Thank goodness lol 😂 The PSN registration was no big deal to me honestly... it was the fact that Sony was pulling the game from countries that didn't support PSN that was truly the problem. So it's good to see they are no longer moving forward with this!


I'm so disappointed in whole #Helldivers2 community just now. PSN does statement and they celebrate it? They didn't fix anything just yet, just a blank statement meaning absolutely nothing ..