
Is Simple down? ❌

A simple neobank is a digital bank that offers basic banking services through a mobile app or website. These neobanks typically focus on providing a streamlined and user-friendly experience, without the complex features and services offered by traditional banks

No problems at Simple


Day 15 of #100DaysOfCode Spent 5 hours trying to improve my algorithm that determines whether a person is looking at the camera or not. It's a fairly simple algorithm. The issue lies with the fact that each image is different in terms of positioning, lighting and resolution -


How are people using #caddy? I can't get a simple reverse proxy example to work on Windows. No docker, no fancy setups, just running caddy and pointing to a .NET App throws an error cause it can't bind 443 (or 9443) for that matter


"it just really bothers me that the Star wars prequels have better technology than the original trilogy" Ah yes very insightful, but a common error. V simple in universe explanation is that it's a ******* movie and you are being a ******** about it


VAR could’ve been as simple as another official watching a tele quickly alerting a ref to an obvious error, but they over complicated it & went for unachievable perfection instead. Them VAR audios are an absolute car crash yet they think stadium announcements will make it fine 🙃


Spelling error, thanks for the correction. But more importantly you can't answer one of life's most simple questions. What is a Woman, Dr?


Looking for results of your team is the quest experience on the internet, neither can the website nor X handle help you. These are simple things that don't need much. I know they complain of the budget, but posting a few important issues cant be hard. #UgandaNBL


Staines isn’t a first grader. Makes too many simple errors. #NRLTigersDolphins


Sadly what VAR is doing is magnifying errors. You would have thought that a simple look at screen and replay would improve matters. FIFA experimenting with a challenge system by Managers


GMM you can't even do one simple job. fix this before todays concert 🙄 @GMMTV


I am one more Twitter glitch while I'm trying to post a simple post from y'all seeing me on the news.


What are you people celebrating? a failed system or or what that a simple issue that happened within your bank can't be resolved even after 3 days. keep reading same script to your customer,


simple fix to the minecraft piston sound update: make it an option in sound settings...


I published this review while I was en route to Warsaw the other day: I enjoyed Please Fix The Road. Check out my review of this simple, clever puzzle game.


Simple 404 Page Design.... 404 page is an error message that is designed to appear when a website won't load. #dailyui #uiuxdesign


So this is how its suppose to rise. Now we know whats the problem. Definitely human error. Do your job properly. Its not simple error it could have been all three of them.


It’s good when very simple graphics have obvious errors, right?


It’s a simple game, stop the unnecessary errors and penalties and you win the game. Also we all know the Sharks love letting a try in right on halftime


#diddy is down bad. Like a lot of these boys on the internet this week. It’s so simple. **** talking doesn’t include rape. I don’t hear basketball players saying they gonna rape each other on the court. There’s levels to **** talking 😤


1/9 tl;dr I wasted my one day off fixing an error Windows created. Last night, Windows pushed an update to my computer and caused it to restart. There was an error when doing so and it cause my computer to go into a recovery loop. Okay, simple. use the regular tools. WRONG.


Scottie answering every question is A+ We can't get a simple answer out of Tiger, Scottie has a real issue, with pending liability (yes we all know it's going to go away), and answers it like a boss. F Sun Day Red and all the Cucks. Keep making triples Tiger.


Yung second-opinion answer na nakuha ko kanina kay @prismarine07 made me realize my no. 1 error when doing math: I tend to obsess over the most unnecessary things, turning a simple problem into a bloated mess. I just don't know when to stop apparently.


Can't rule out Stack Overflow. I have come across issues that Chat GPT can't solve/offer guidance, but some lovely genius typed out a simple and direct guide to resolve the issue.


angry dev rant: the side effect of being obsessed with developer experience, productivity, etc... is there is a generation of web devs who can't build a site WITHOUT A FRAMEWORK... this is a big yuge problem... now excuse me while I go write a simple todo app in x86 asm.


Wow, such a simple fix! What a galaxy brain idea!!! How come no one ever thought of this?! 😯


There are lots of problems that can be addressed with a simple phone call, people just need to ACT If you’ve been holding ETH, call your senators. Maybe they can shut off the chain.


There's a difference between dumbing down and using a complicated word when a simple one will do.


Dear @discord, your trust & safety team is disaster. They don't respond any request, only bot messages. I have a simple problem, but they couldn't event solve...


This was an issue that a lot of New Englanders anticipated when they announced games would be in Lowell. It's not nearly as simple as hopping on the freeway or public transit to get there, it's a HAUL on a good day. So yeah, if you have to make it a trip, weekdays are tough.


pump is down, $sigma is in play its that simple oh and believe in something lil bro


Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.